✎ About Application☞ In Learn JavaScript tutorial app you will learn javaScript in a detailed explanation with example☞ This application contains chapters from the basics of JavaScript to advance chapters☞ All Concepts are explained with code snippets to understand the syntax of the methods and which makes it easy to understand and implement.☞ Application has a search feature that helps to search any topicFeatures of the application: ◈ Easy user interface.◈ All concepts are included.◈ Detailed explanation.◈ Easy and step-by-step tutorial.◈ Answered frequently asked questions.◈ Explanation with syntax with code snippets.◈ Read and practice the course offline.◈ Code snippets highlighter✍ Course☞Course Overview☞Introduction☞Basics☞Data types☞Variables declarations☞Variable mutation and type coercion☞Hoisting☞Iterations☞Strings☞Arrays☞Control flow☞Operators☞Scope Chain☞Functions☞First-class Functions☞High Order Functions☞Pure Functions☞Recursive Functions☞Arrow function☞IIFE Immediately Invoked Function Expression☞Call method☞Apply method☞Bind method☞new operator and function constructor☞this keyword☞Prototype☞Prototypal inheritance and the prototype chain☞Introduction to events☞Object in Javascript☞Classes☞Promises☞Closures☞Async function☞Asynchronous JavaScript☞Concurrency model & event loop☞Module in JavaScript☞Error handling☞How to debug errors in the javascript☞How to avoid common errors☞Nullish coalescing operator☞Interview Questions & Answers☞ You will learn all concepts of JavaScript right from the beginning to advance☞ This app will help you learn to code without disturbing your schedule in your flexible timings☞ Step-by-step explanation helps in understanding every concept thoroughly☞ Application is designed in a way to make you a master in JavaScript from a beginner,☞ Algorithms and data structure are explained in detail ☞ The most frequently asked interview questions of JavaScript are included.☞ Includes all javaScript technical interview concepts and helps to crack the interview very easily.=> For queries, you can write to
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